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  • Writer's pictureCoach Parijat

As our bodies perform a strenuous exercise, we begin to breathe faster as we attempt to shuttle more oxygen to our working muscles. The body prefers to generate most of its energy using aerobic methods, meaning with oxygen. Some circumstances, however—such as evading the historical saber tooth tiger or lifting heavy weights—require energy production faster than our bodies can adequately deliver oxygen. In those cases, the working muscles generate energy anaerobically.

This energy comes from glucose through a process called glycolysis, in which glucose is broken down or metabolized into a substance called pyruvate through a series of steps. When the body has plenty of oxygen, pyruvate is shuttled to an aerobic pathway to be further broken down for more energy. But when oxygen is limited, the body temporarily converts pyruvate into a substance called lactate, which allows glucose breakdown—and thus energy production—to continue. The working muscle cells can continue this type of anaerobic energy production at high rates for one to three minutes, during which time lactate can accumulate to high levels.

A side effect of high lactate levels is an increase in the acidity of the muscle cells, along with disruptions of other metabolites. The same metabolic pathways that permit the breakdown of glucose to energy perform poorly in this acidic environment. On the surface, it seems counterproductive that a working muscle would produce something that would slow its capacity for more work. In reality, this is a natural defense mechanism for the body; it prevents permanent damage during extreme exertion by slowing the key systems needed to maintain muscle contraction. Once the body slows down, oxygen becomes available and lactate reverts back to pyruvate, allowing continued aerobic metabolism and energy for the body’s recovery from the strenuous event.

  • Writer's pictureCoach Normie

Almost every major muscle in your body has a twin.

Left pec, right pec; left quad, right quad; left triceps, right triceps; left lat, right lat; and so on. Thus, a muscle imbalance is a size and/or strength discrepancy between two matching muscle groups. For example, it’s common for people to have one arm or pec that’s larger than the other. Bodybuilders refer to this as 'asymmetry.'

Sometimes you can see these imbalances in the mirror, and sometimes you can’t, but you often notice them in your training (one limb is stronger than the other). For example, if one side of the bar tends to ascend faster than the other on your bench press, it may be due to one or more muscle imbalances on the trailing side.



Start to correct imbalances by adding more unilateral exercises to your workout. Unilateral exercises allow you to isolate one side of your body from the other. Kinesis Strength machines, resistance bands, dumbbells, and single side cables are all pieces of equipment that will help you focus your attention on your weaker side.

The reason we want to work unilateral exercises into the plan, and avoid movements that allow both sides to work at once, is simple: the strong side will automatically take over. If you are doing bicep curls for example, and your left side is stronger than your right, then you will likely lift with greater assist from the left, instead of equally from both sides.

Happy Training!

  • Writer's pictureCoach Sherwin

Have you ever tried reaching your toes while standing on a bent-over position? If you happen to reach your toe with a slightly straight back, most likely you will be stress-free from any back issue such as lower back pain, heel tendinitis, plantar fasciitis (drop-foot syndrome). While reaching toes on hunch mid-back, instead of your back straight, it will create pressure on your neck and upper back. Causing shoulder impingement ( shoulder pain, frozen shoulder), protracted scapula that weakens an upright posture causing you to slouch or hunch the back and eventually will tilt your head forward causing an irritating neck pain.

These are all Chronic pain! It is supposed to be avoidable if you know which muscle needs to strengthen and tight muscle due to immobility that is supposed to be stretched. Exercise is for all but certain exercises are customized for each individual. Have your posture and movement assessed properly by us to recommend what should be done and what should be avoided.

Book your assessment Today!

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